Monday 14 July 2008


So after Rise yesterday we're all feeling pretty wacked out. It was a good festival, although after three servings of chicken (Nandos, Jerk and Fried) iI was pretty much incapable of any movements by the end of it. Darrgha will have a full post on the antics, but until then I thought I'd answer the questions we're getting about the Um Brain Goo mix so far ...

The sample at the beginning ? Well that is from an amazing documentary, which aired on the BBC in the late eighties. It's unbeleivable to see how innocent the whole "urban" (and yes, I feel sick using that term, I know) scene was in those days. Buutt aaaaanyway, heres the peice in it's entirety ....

Check the clips below, and you'll see what I mean.

Loving this crew of twelve your olds ... Choice qoute: "Everyone was just doing all these good rap and stuff. Then someone showed me a way out of this trauma. They showed me how to beatbox"

Just in case you didn't hear it, on clip 4, listen carefully for the guys on the left talking about Ice T, in an American accent. Ha ! "Yeah, even ice T man".

Straight up Plimpin'


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